Библия » 2 Петра 2:9
Пераклад Анатоля Клышкi
2 Петра глава 2 стих 9
то, конечно, знает Господь, как избавлять благочестивых от искушения, а беззаконников соблюдать ко дню суда, для наказания,
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment,
then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment,
if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.
then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,
So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.
the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of trial, and to keep the unjust to the day of judgment to be punished;