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Библия » Иезекииль 37:17
Elberfelder Bibel 2006
38 глава »
Иезекииль глава 37 стих 17

И сложи их у себя один с другим в один жезл, чтобы они в руке твоей были одно.

And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

“Then join them for yourself one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.

And join them one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.

Join them together into one stick so that they will become one in your hand.

Then join them one to another for yourself into one stick, and they will become one in your hand.

Now hold them together in your hand as if they were one piece of wood.

And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thy hand.