Библия » 3 Царств 2:41
Библейской Лиги ERV
3 Царств глава 2 стих 41
И донесли Соломону, что Семей ходил из Иерусалима в Геф и возвратился.
And it was told Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath, and was come again.
It was told Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath, and had returned.
And when Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and returned,
When Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had returned,
And Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had come back.
Solomon heard that Shimei had left Jerusalem and had gone to Gath and returned.
And it was told Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath, and had come again.