Библия » Ездра 10:12
King James Bible
Ездра глава 10 стих 12
И отвечало всё собрание, и сказало громким голосом: как ты сказал, так и сделаем.
Then all the congregation answered and said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, so must we do.
Then all the assembly replied with a loud voice, “That’s right! As you have said, so it is our duty to do.
Then all the assembly answered with a loud voice, “It is so; we must do as you have said.
The whole assembly responded with a loud voice: “You are right! We must do as you say.
Then all the assembly answered and said with a loud voice, “Yes! As you have said, so we must do.
Then the whole assembly raised their voices and answered, “Yes, you are right; we must do as you say!”
And the whole congregation answered and said with a loud voice, Yes, it is for us to do according to thy words.