Библия » Иеремия 48:9
King James Bible
Иеремия глава 48 стих 9
Дайте крылья Моаву, чтобы он мог улететь; города его будут пустынею, потому что некому будет жить в них.
Give wings unto Moab, that it may flee and get away: for the cities thereof shall be desolate, without any to dwell therein.
“Give wings to Moab, For she will flee away; And her cities will become a desolation, Without inhabitants in them.
“Give wings to Moab, for she would fly away; her cities shall become a desolation, with no inhabitant in them.
Put salt on Moab, for she will be laid waste; her towns will become desolate, with no one to live in them.
“Give wings to Moab, That she may flee and get away; For her cities shall be desolate, Without any to dwell in them.
Oh, that Moab had wings so she could fly away, for her towns will be left empty, with no one living in them.
Give wings unto Moab, that she may flee and get away; and the cities thereof shall become a desolation, without inhabitant.