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Библия » Иезекииль 41:10
King James Bible
42 глава »
Иезекииль глава 41 стих 10

И между комнатами расстояние двадцать локтей кругом всего храма.

And between the chambers was the wideness of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.

and the outer chambers was twenty cubits in width all around the temple on every side.

other chambers was a breadth of twenty cubits all around the temple on every side.

and the priests’ rooms was twenty cubits wide all around the temple.

And between it and the wall chambers was a width of twenty cubits all around the temple on every side.

and the row of rooms along the outer wall of the inner courtyard. This open area was 35 feet wide, and it went all the way around the Temple.

And between the cells and the house was a width of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.