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Библия » Амос 5:19
Клементиновская Вульгата
6 глава »
Амос глава 5 стих 19

то же, как если бы кто убежал от льва, и попался бы ему навстречу медведь, или если бы пришёл домой и опёрся рукою о стену, и змея ужалила бы его.

As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

As when a man flees from a lion And a bear meets him, Or goes home, leans his hand against the wall And a snake bites him.

as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him, or went into the house and leaned his hand against the wall, and a serpent bit him.

It will be as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him.

It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him!

In that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion — only to meet a bear. Escaping from the bear, he leans his hand against a wall in his house — and he’s bitten by a snake.

as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.